Easy Guide to Skincare for Busy Women - Merindah Botanicals

Easy Guide to Skincare for Busy Women

How many nights this week did you go to bed with your makeup still on?

Trust us, we understand that your busy lifestyle means sleep is a luxury and cutting corners means quicker to downtime. Work, family, social lives, and side hustles take up 18+ hours each day, but there are easy ways to build wellness into your daily routine.

That starts with skincare.

Healthy skin allows you to feel more confident leaving the house, show up powerfully in meetings, and stride proudly down the carpool lane.

Skincare doesn’t have to be a 12 step process that takes close to a half hour.

Today we share our easy guide to skincare that only takes 5 minutes out of your busy schedule. Continue reading for the full face hacks.

1. Cleansing as Step One

The best thing you can do for your skin is clean it each day and night. Our skin bears the brunt of emotional stress, external pollution, and normal body functions like oil production.

Cleansing allows your skin to breathe and recover from the layers of dirt and residue accumulated every day.

Choosing a simple cleanser with skin-loving ingredients makes it easy to incorporate both day and night. A formula that cleans, gently exfoliates, and hydrates makes refreshing skin easy. It only takes two to three minutes to wash, rinse, and repeat.

We recommend double cleansing in the evening to remove makeup, sunscreen and oil build up!

2. Tone Your Skin like Your Body

The next step of skincare can be confusing. Some may tell you it’s time for a serum. Some may say it’s time for an exfoliant. Some may skip right to moisturiser after cleansing.

However, a toner is your best friend as step two when it comes to a quick and easy skincare routine!

As a busy woman ruling the world, you deserve a clear complexion and airbrushed appearance. Hydrating, reducing pores or fine lines, and repairing skin issues are only three benefits you receive from using a toner daily.

Smooth skin stands out when selecting a toner that, at the very least, hydrates and, at the very most, works on your skin goals.

Apply toner with a cotton pad and sweep over your face, neck, and décolleté, and feel free to use the same toner morning and evening.

It takes less than one minute till toned skin is yours.

3. Moisturiser as the Final Step

Turn your focus towards a luxurious moisturiser to top off your cleansed and toned skin in this simple skincare regime. A creamy, lightweight moisturiser brings a replenished and bouncy glow to your skin that creates the perfect canvas for makeup or a smooth landing spot for your pillow.

Does your moisturizer not have SPF? That’s a quick product addition to add a drop of into your morning moisture routine!

Depending on how long cleansing and toning took, you have around two minutes to gently massage your skin with moisturiser. Close your eyes while it sinks in.

That’s relaxation at its quickest.

Keep It Simple, Gorgeous

For your hectic lifestyle, you should aim to keep your skincare routine simple, consistent, and non-time consuming. That’s why we recommend the triple threat of only cleansing, toning, and moisturising. You’ll be shocked to see your skin’s health tenfold with keeping to these easy methods. We have you covered.

Our Essential Beauty Pack includes the must-have products from this guide, and makes looking after your skin as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Click here to shop now.